понедельник, 6 апреля 2009 г.

LOST - Ostatsya v zhivih

So, about what to talk? Lets talk about the TV-serials. For example I very much am pleasant like a serial LOST. I would like will share several interesting supervision, concerning this serial.

First, on Russian TV the serial name is translated at all how it is actually. And i dont know why. If back to translate into English the serial name it will sound as to "Survive" or "Remain in the live". I don't know, for what the sense of the name has been changed, but it seems to me silly. And I will not be surprised, if also other transfer has that no general with the original, And that that we look, actually has absolutely other sense.:-)

This example, it is one more reason, for what it is necessary to study foreign languages, what to receive the information without intermediaries.

For today everything.

It is time to me to feed bears. Good-bye.

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